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The SpirFit Blog


Updated: Jan 24, 2020

Have you hit a roadblock in your career, fitness routine, or another area of life? Eric Oliver, Owner of Beyond Exercise (a highly-regarded holistic physiotherapy, fitness and nutrition center), can relate in more than one way. He’s walked the walk of overcoming obstacles and fears. At times in his career, did he want to quit? Sure. Was he scared of failure? Yes. But did he persevere? Absolutely. 

Recently, Eric sat down to talk with me about his

company (nominated a semi-finalist for the 2019

Groering Center Family and Private Business Award),

about thinking outside the box, and also taking care

of the body … beyond exercise. 

Today's Spotlight: ERIC OLIVER

Physical Therapist, Running Specialist, Founder of

Beyond Exercise, Husband, Father & Christian

Me: I’m always interested to learn why or how people end up in the fields they work in. So, start off by telling me a bit about your business and profession, and why you chose this path.

Eric: This will sound like a cliche, but I chose to work in the healthcare field because I wanted to help people. I chose the profession of physical therapy because I liked the idea of helping people return to their sport or activity after sustaining an injury. In high school, I had sustained ankle injuries playing soccer that required some level of rehab, and my personal experience in dealing with these injuries further propelled physical therapy to the top of my list of career choices.  

After progressing through PT school, my first job was nowhere in the realm of where I thought I would end up: nursing homes. For two and a half years I worked in nursing home systems, and to be honest, I enjoyed much of my experience in this role. I learned more than I thought I would, and I learned to better appreciate the responsibility and weight that my clinical decision-making had on people’s lives.  

Me: But you obviously didn’t stay there.

Eric: As much as I appreciated my time in my role in the nursing home clinical atmosphere, I knew that it was not my permanent resting place to set roots for my career.  I then spent the next seven years trying to find my place in the physical therapy world. During this process, I nearly quit the profession. Twice! I considered joining the Cincinnati Fire Department. Rather, though, I took the Cincinnati Police exam, thinking that I would become a police officer. I still wanted to help people! 

The reason for wanting to get out of physical therapy was simple, yet complex: I was burned out. I was tired of all the limitations in how I was able to practice my craft the way I believed it should be done. I was giving my all to my employers and my patients, and yet I didn’t think I was making the kind of impact that I thought I could. And this is the complex part. The problem is the healthcare system. Many times, clinical decision-making is altered by a healthcare provider’s dependence on health insurance reimbursements. In physical therapy, reimbursement from insurance companies isn’t very high for the services provided. In order for the physical therapy practice to cover their overhead costs and make a profit for themselves, a higher volume of patients needs to be driven through the door. The more patients per hour that the PT has to treat, the more that quality of care is reduced along with added stress of battling the needs of the patient and the needs of the practice.

Me: So you were fed up.

Eric: I was fed up, and just when I thought I was going to quit physical therapy, I realized that there was a way to practice physical therapy the way I wanted. I cut the cord from insurance.  I knew of no one doing this, so I naturally turned to the internet to guide me. Thankfully, I found a couple of clinics in the country who were starting to do the same thing. I thought if they can do it, why not give it a try.  And so Beyond Exercise was born.

Me: Why did you choose the name Beyond Exercise?

Eric: I named my business Beyond Exercise because I wanted people to know that when they receive treatment from me it was not going to be only about exercise. Rather, there was going to be a one-on-one interaction with me in which I was going to give you my undivided attention and provide treatment that would also include a hands-on manually based component.  In other words, my philosophy was to provide services that went beyond exercise.

The name of my business has lended well to its evolution. In the beginning, I only sought to start a physical therapy practice. I soon realized that in order for me to really care for a patient to their end goal, I needed to offer more than physical therapy. I needed to offer a suite of services that could be used to help someone go beyond a rehab goal, weight loss goal, athletic goal, etc. I wanted people to look at our name and branding and realize that we can help them go beyond expectations by going beyond exercise.

Me: You’ve mentioned in the past that you’ve sacrificed precious time away from your family to make your vision a reality. I know that’s hard. What drives your passion for wellness? 

Eric: As a clinician and healthcare provider I see what it looks like to not be well, and generally when someone isn’t well, they’re unhappy. There are many connotations to what wellness means, but for me it’s simply being happy while honoring your body. I prefer to be happy than not, and I prefer to see people be happy. My passion for wellness is essentially rooted in wanting to be happy and helping others do the same.  

Me: Happiness is what we all want, right? But I know a lot of people struggle with their health. From your perspective, what is the most common mistake or misperception the general public makes regarding exercise or caring for their bodies? 

Eric: A common mistake that people tend to display with exercise is that they neglect the importance of fundamentals. There are so many exercises out there that are derivatives of fundamental movement patterns that require a proper base of strength, joint mobility, tissue flexibility, and motor coordination. Yet, people will neglect mastering these fundamental skills, which include breathing, engaging the core, squatting, hip hinging, planking, upper body pulls, and upper body pushes. It’s not the fault of the person, because more times than not people don’t know what they don’t know, and the majority of people don’t know that there is an optimal way to perform these fundamental movements.

In regards to caring for their bodies, I think people underestimate how well our bodies are able to adapt to our environment and stressors, whether positive or negative. If you place negative stress to your body, the adaptation will also be negative, and vice versa. These negative and positive adaptations apply to exercise, nutrition, social habits, etc. We reap what we sow with our bodies.

Me: Yes, our bodies are like a machine. They need regular maintenance otherwise they’re more likely to break down. So now that you’ve motivated our readers, one last question. For someone who isn’t athletic or is out of shape, where should they begin with a fitness routine? 

Eric: First off, I contend that everyone is an athlete in one way or another. Someone may not be an athlete in the conventional sense, but daily life requires some form of athleticism. For example, getting up and down from a chair requires a squat motion. Lifting your three-year-old from the floor is similar to a dead-lift motion (when done correctly). And so on. I want people who consider themselves to be out of shape or non-athletic to understand this because I feel that it lowers the barrier to entering a fitness regimen.

Once someone makes the decision to start a fitness regimen, he or she should start by setting a goal. You can’t move in a direction if you don’t know your destination. This goal should be realistic and attainable. You can also create smaller goals that serve as stepping stones and positive reinforcement on your way to achieving the bigger goal. From there, beginning a fitness regimen is as easy as picking something that interests you and will give you joy - walking, running, fitness classes, etc. There is no lack of options for people to start an exercise routine. If someone is completely new to exercise, though, I do recommend personal training because it is really easy to get confused and frustrated with the options of exercise that are available. 

Me: And they need to learn those fundamental movement patterns.

Eric: Right. It’s very easy to develop an injury if you don’t have a good foundation of movement and strength. Having a personal trainer who will assess your current level of fitness and then develop a custom plan to address your physical needs as well as point you in the right direction of your goal can save a lot of time, money, and injury in the long run. Once you develop that foundation you will be armed with confidence in your abilities to tackle various forms of exercise.

To hear more from Eric, make sure to sign up for our March Wellness Retreat. He is one of four speakers that will help us Simplify Our Lives. To find out more about Beyond Exercise, click here

Peace, health & happiness! 

We’re nearly two weeks into a new year, so let me start by wishing you a Happy Belated New Year! This isn’t just any year. It’s 2020, and it’s bringing in some hype, anticipation and contemplation. About 40% of the population started this year by making a Resolution. (I made two and - eek - already broke both of them!) Which makes me wonder, is there a secret formula to successfully changing our habits and patterns of thinking? To find out, I reached out to a veteran in the Mental Health field, Dr. Julie Sell-Smith, who inspired me to reconsider my plan and try again.

Today’s Spotlight: Dr. Julie Sell-Smith

Psy.D., MSW, LISW-S, Licensed Psychologist, Wife, Mother, Christian

Me: Let’s talk about New Year’s Resolutions. Is there a trick to keeping them? Because I have already broken mine.

Dr. Sell-Smith: Funny you should bring this up, Jessica. I recently read in an article that only 8% of people keep their resolutions. 

Me: 8%! I’m already feeling better.

Dr. Sell-Smith: In my practice, I’ve observed that people don’t meet their resolutions or goals, because they’re too vague. For example, a person might say I want to get in shape this year. That’s too vague. We need to be more specific, like: I’m going to cut down on eating sugar and exercise X amount of times a week. 

Also, our goals need to be realistic. If we’re concerned about this, then we can ask a friend, family member or professional: Am I being realistic?

We also need to be kind to ourselves. Here’s where Mental Health is really important. We tend to have this all or nothing mentality. If we slip up and eat something unhealthy in the morning then we think our whole day is shot. We say, I failed. But that’s not the attitude you want. You’ve got to retry the very next opportunity you get. 

There’s this book called Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear that I recommend reading.

Me: It’s great to have tools to guide us in our personal lives.   

Dr. Sell-Smith: Yes. I also recommend using tools to track your progress. There’s an app for everything these days so it’s easy to do. If weight loss is your goal, you can use My Fitness Pal. If meditation is your goal, you can use Insight Timer, and so forth.  Tracking allows you to notice small changes over time that you might not normally consider. Sometimes we get trapped in thinking we’ve failed if we haven’t fully reached our end goal and fail to notice other, smaller changes.

Me: Looking back at the failure rate of people sticking to their resolutions, do you think making New Year’s Resolutions are a good idea?

Dr. Sell-Smith: Yes, they can be. Instead of picking a resolution, per se, I personally pick a theme for the year. Last year, my theme was Health and Wellness. This year, my theme is Being Brave. My goal is to say yes more to opportunities that scare me or make me uncomfortable. For example, public speaking. I have booked several speaking engagements for 2020.

Me: Well, I’m very excited that you’ll be speaking at our March Wellness Retreat! How can we prepare ourselves to successfully meet our goals?

Dr. Sell-Smith: We need to give ourselves time to prepare. 

Me: So don’t wait until the night before to make a New Year’s Resolution. (Which might explain why I failed so quickly!)

Dr. Sell-Smith: Right. And once you settle on a resolution, make an announcement! Social psychology says if we make a public committment we are much more likely to follow through with our resolutions or goals. So if you’re going to make a goal, tell people about it. Tell your friends, family, co-workers. Put it on social media.

Me: Tell me how we can use Mindfulness to achieve a goal. 

Dr. Sell-Smith: Some people thrive on setting a goal and completing it. But many of us don’t operate that way. Mindfulness is about learning how to sit with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, and tolerating them without acting on them. Most thoughts and feelings enter our awareness and then leave. But many of us want to avoid or control uncomfortable thoughts. Mindfulness practices the opposite reaction. We look at how uncomfortable thoughts feel in the body, observe them, and then watch them leave. It’s like imagining your thoughts on a train car and watching them go by. 

Me: I love this approach to Mental Health. Are many professionals using Mindfulness Behavior Therapy?

Dr. Sell-Smith: It’s actually so ancient that it’s new again! I discovered the practice of Mindfulness in my Doctoral program. I took a class on Mindfulness-based stress reduction. It was so beneficial I took it again two more times! We learned how to break down anxiety at the sensory level. For example, what color would you give your anxiety? What texture? If it had movement, how would it move? 

Me: Why would we do that?

Dr. Sell-Smith: People believe their thoughts. But thoughts are just the inner workings of our mind. We don’t have to believe our thoughts. For example, "I’m not good enough". That is a common, yet unhelpful thought that people often buy into. We can’t be afraid of our thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, we’ll get locked in fear. Learning to observe them and then resisting the urge to react in an ineffective way is much more productive. I’d like to recommend a book, The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris. There are great activities in this book on Acceptance and Commitment. If there’s only one book I can recommend to your readers, it’s this one. 

Dr. Julie Sell-Smith thank you for sharing your time and insights with us. I hope this interview will help others move toward their goals in 2020!

To learn more about Dr. Julie Sell-Smith, please click here. Or to hear her speak in-person, sign-up for our March SpirFit Wellness Retreat on Eventbrite

Peace, health & happiness! 

This month, the world celebrates the “Christmas Season” with it’s lights, delectable foods, shopping frenzies and holiday festivities. From the Hallmark Movies (which I watch) to the Holiday Parties, there’s much to do and many places to be.

Inside God’s Church, however, this month is not called the Christmas Season, but the Season of Advent. And how differently these coinciding seasons are celebrated!

In contrast to the holiday hubbub, the Advent Season is a time of darkness, quietness and an opportunity for reflection. During this time, we’re called to reconcile with God, prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming, and contemplate on the Bible’s account of the world before Jesus entered in.

The world doesn’t hold the same meaning for the word advent. The dictionary states advent means “the arrival of a notable person, thing or event”. Like, “the advent of television”. The Church, however, defines Advent in more precise terms. Advent is a four-week holy period of expectant waiting and preparation for the Nativity of Jesus’ birth, and the return of Jesus at the Second Coming.

Which season do you celebrate? My house is lit with Christmas lights (which are presently buried under snow), presents under the tree, and a puppy in a holiday sweater dying to tear into them. Which makes me wonder, are my actions matching what’s in my heart?

I hear so many people complaining that the holidays are stressful. The demands and pressure unrealistic. The expectations to perform and be happy too great. To top it off, each year it seems to get harder, they say.

But no one says that about the Advent Season. On the contrary, rather than great expectations, Advent is a simple invitation to “walk in the peace of Christ. To leave what you’re familiar with to encounter God’s perfect love.” What does that mean? Leaving behind what we’re familiar with …

I have a few ideas (that won’t ruin your Christmas cheer). Perhaps, it means turning down a couple social invitations to spend more time at church or with family. Maybe, it’s lifting the pressure of finding the “perfect gifts” and giving gifts of prayer and forgiveness. Or maybe you’re being invited to go deeper … Just rest assure by saying “yes” to the invitation of Advent, you’ll receive something far more magical and rewarding than any present under the tree. As Pastor Rev. Reinsersman said in Sunday’s homily, “We are blessed when we go out of our way for Jesus Christ.”

So let us pause now to pray for all those struggling this time of year. May the world find peace in the promises of Advent. And may you fulfill the true spirit of the Season. Could you be a light to someone’s darkness this Advent?

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, and hoping your light shines bright in the New Year!

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