Take a step forward in your spiritual development by creating a portable prayer nook!
Everyone needs some alone time to pray and reflect. Sure, it would be nice to get away to the mountains, beach or some spiritual retreat each time we need to restore. But as a mother, wife and SpirFit instructor/blogger that’s not feasible for me, and I’m guessing it’s not realistic for you either! The good news is, you can take “mini” retreats without leaving your home.
Sacred spaces can be created anywhere. My sacred space at home is a prayer nook. This little piece of real estate allows me to stay spiritually healthy and fit. And best of all, it’s portable!
That’s right. Portable.
With two young kids (and my husband, a budding guitarist), it’s hard to find a quiet place in the house. I move room to room, floor to floor, and sometimes wind up outside in my pursuit. That’s why my prayer nook is not a corner of the room or cubbyhole, it’s a tray filled with contents that sits atop a bookshelf ... far out of reach from little hands. The portableness of my prayer nook allows me to go anywhere, from out on the porch (when it’s warm) to in front of the fireplace after the kids have gone to bed.
Make a portable prayer nook
A prayer nook should feel comforting and inviting. My tray contains a couple of journals, a pen, a hand-sized crucifix from the Holy Land, a rosary made out of flowers from my grandmother’s funeral, and a few other items that are meaningful to me. The options for your nook are endless. Candles, crucifix, holy cards, bible, books, relics, fresh flowers, pictures, ear plugs (haha, but maybe necessary) and so on. When selecting your items, choose colors, scents and textures that are soothing to you. Make it personal!
After your nook is ready, it’s time to get into a prayer routine. My schedule is ever changing, so I don’t use mine at the same time everyday. However, when I do use it, I have a little ritual. I light a candle, and say the same opening prayer. Then, I might read Scripture or a religious book. Other times I pray the rosary. It just depends on what I feel called to do. But I always save time to talk with God. I also use my prayer nook to journal. I actually have two journals on my tray. One is to record my spiritual journey. The other one is used to write letters to my daughters.
It’s hard to explain the soul-satisfying peace I feel after spending quality time with God. My prayer nook is a vehicle to get me there. Throughout my day, I find myself stealing glances at it. It’s a reminder to put the day on pause and transport my thoughts to a higher focus. To feed my soul. To think, not just with my head, but also with my Heart. It is oh-so refreshing. And it keeps me marching on, until the moment comes when I can slip away.
Do you have a prayer nook? I’d love to hear about it! Click in the Comments section and send some pictures my way.